Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Crazy time.

I know I have not posted for awhile. A couple of things have been going on. I have been busy with a lot of sewing events lately. At the end of the month I had our Spring Sew in Grundy at the comm. center. We have a Spring and Fall Sew each year. It is just a chance to get our projects done that either we need to get done or just want to get done. I had was able to get a lot done. I worked on a large quilt for someone, no Cory and Shelly it wasn't yours yet.
After that week end I got the distinct pleasure of getting the crude that everyone else is or has gotten. Spent the entire week last week sleeping, coughing, and feeling just plain miserable. Still have drainage and coughing, but at least I feel more normal.
Last week was a sad one for us. Lisa's roommate Verina died. We all new it was just a matter of time and we all know that she is so much better now and can have all she wants to eat. Verina's family was so good to Lisa. They all think of her as part of their family now. They all appreciated how good Lisa took care of Verina for these two years. It was so wonderful to see how much they cared for each other. Thank you Folkerts' family for your love and care for Lisa in your time of sorrow.
This week I started to get back to normal. I had signed up for two classes at Hawkeye. They where both for sewing. One was Thread Thrills and Fabric Fondling and the other Machine Quilting. They where both all day classes. Boy, what a way to get back to normal. If anybody wants to learn about sewing or have sewn, but want to learn about all the threads and fabrics that are out there and what or when to use them you want to take this class. This is not your homeec class. Man what an eye opener. The machine quilting also showed me what my machine can do for me and how to use it to it's capability. I also learned you don't need an expensive machine to do this. I'm all excited about sewing again.
That is all I got for now. Enjoy the warm weather while we have it.


Andrea Dellit said...

hope you're feeling better!

Bonk Family said...

Both Val and Casey, I've tagged you. You're it. Read my blog to find out what I'm talking about!


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We want to welcome you to our site. We are new to this so have patience with us. It is our desire to keep you up to date with what is going on with us and to help out with our schedule if you need to know what is going on.
We hope that you have fun. We are going to have fun with this also.

Our Life

Holland, Iowa, United States
50ish married couple of 37 years. We are both the oldest of our families. So we come by our bossyness honestly. As all our families know we are still very much in love. Our first priority for us will always be our family.