Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Bowling in Chicago

Well, we had an eventful trip. Started out just like any other trip. Had all the things we where going to need. Day wasn't bad for traveling, a little chilly, no rain, happy about that. We get closer to Chicago and Gina ask, "Do you know where the hotel is, Casey?" Casey booked the hotel. Answer, "I left the info at home." We don't know where the hotel was. We kinda know from the bowling alley. Fortunately we know where the bowling alley is. We thought.
Chicago is full of toll ways, right. You can not get off where ever you want, right. Needless to say we found our way to O'Hare. Casey keeps saying to Steve just keep going while we are driving thru the terminals. We saw a lot of limo's. He was right, we just kept driving and we came out of O'Hare. He had done the same thing years ago when he was trying to find a show. He knew where we where, but none of us did. We did then find the bowling alley and then the hotel. Casey won't be in charge of hotel info from now on.
Other that being in places we have never been before we had a great week end. Now Gina can say that she has been in some new places, again. Gina knew we where never leaving O'Hare.
Oh, yeah the bowling tournament. We got there when the place opened, had to wait, but it finally started. They did a few things different, but over all it was the same. New people where there. We only recognized a couple other teams. One was the team we bowled against last year the last time. Didn't like them, the only ones we didn't like. Didn't bowl them either. We didn't do as well as last year but we still had fun. Gina and I did good in the sweeper before the tournament started. I got 5th and Gina won the highest handicap. Sorry boys it was a girl week end. Over all we came in 16th out of 40 teams. We where happy. We just didn't want to embarrass ourselves.
We did some shopping and had good food otherwise it was a good week end.


Ken and Vicky said...

Wow, thru O'Hare, ummmm that sounds familiar. Like a few years ago when KC, Vic & Ken went to get supplies in Chicago. We couldn't find the interstate so Ken told KC grab the first interstate entrance we see & we can go from there. Didn't know there was an interstate just for O'Hare.I think that was the same trip Vic ended up in the back from the front of the van, when KC floored it to get into a turn lane.

Andrea Dellit said...

sounds like an overall fun weekend!

Bonk Family said...

Forgot to mention our tour of neighborhoods on the way home... You can only get onto the tollway going east!!! Apparently Chicago is like the Hotel California... You can check in, but you can never leave!!! We ended up going backways until we finally found a major interchange that let us go west. I was NOT going back to OHare!

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Our Life

Holland, Iowa, United States
50ish married couple of 37 years. We are both the oldest of our families. So we come by our bossyness honestly. As all our families know we are still very much in love. Our first priority for us will always be our family.